Monday, December 28, 2009


It truly was a fabulous Christmas! We went to his Mom and Dad's (actually Lili's house) on Christmas eve. It was only a bummer because we didn't get to spend enough time with them. Memo had to get back and feed. His Mom hadn't seen me for about 2 weeks.... she was a bit shocked when I walked.. I mean waddled.. in the door. It is way too cool to see her face light up when she felt my tummy. Lili as always did an incredible job hosting. The Pozole was yummy and the ham was SUPER yummy. We enjoyed the time. The only bad part is I got stuck on the counch!!! Lili has this super comfy counch, well I sat down and slid to the back... learning really fast a pregnant lady's balance isn't the best. I literally had to roll out!

Anyway, after we (Alsonso, Memo and I) got back we lit a big fire and enjoyed just sitting around. That is until Alonso couldn't take it anymore.... ok and Memo... so we decided to open our presents.

We all were fully spoiled. I am the proud owner of a beautiful Sapphire earring and necklace set that are just perfect.. not to mention all the other things he spoiled me with.

The weekend turned a little icky only because I got the Flu on Saturday. Nothing like being up every hour with your head in the toilet! The only bad thing was the fact that bending over is not as easy as it used to be. I think a couple times I actually just slept on the floor. Poor Memo was all stressed out and he took good care of making sure I was ok. Sunday my Mom brought over the set " sick food" of 7-up, jello and sherbert. Always makes you feel better! Thanks Mom! Hehehehe... I get to call myself a Mom soon!!! Another baby appointment tomorrow!

I was a little worried about the flu and the not eating part. Once again my SIL came to the rescue and assured me the kiddos are still getting plenty of nutrients. Made me feel MUCH better! New pictures tomrrow!


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