Friday, December 18, 2009


Last night I came home after a really crappy day and my husband surprised me with the nicest little thing...

He had put up stockings for the kids and then also put little outfits in them! So me, not feeling really well and being the weepy prenant chick.. started bawling. I mean it was a happy cry but a cry nonetheless. It is truly very cool to see our house becoming a home. If you all could see the differences in the ranch since Memo came over you would be amazed. It literally looks like a brand new place.

There is also a picture of the mantel with all of our stockings on it. Notice Memo's is quite a bit bigger than the rest... I think that is a hint to Santa.

On the crappy day part, they started me on BP meds and they are not making my life easier. Actually they seem to be giving me a naasty headache. I even tried today to take them at a different time, but I feel the headache creeping in!

Only one week until Christmas!!! YEAH! Hard to belive that next year we will have the kids here... already looking forward to watching them look at the lights their dad puts up...


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