Monday, December 21, 2009


Ok.. not sure how the correct spelling would be... Baby's or babies' ???

Anyway.. it was a wild weekend to say the least. We had planned on working on the kids' (ha.. I know that is spelled right!) but seems life had a little different idea for us. Saturday was a super nice day. We went to my Niece's birthday party and then movies and church on Saturday night. We had them planned to spend the entire Sunday turning our "closet" into the new room. Well, I had a brillant idea to try a new place to eat. It was really good.. BUT my poor husband had a horrible reaction to it. About 1:00 AM he woke me up because he was itchy. I turned the lights on and literally as I looked I wathced him turn into 1 giant hive. We rushed to the ER (his lips were puffy and his mouth was starting to swell) anyway.. long story short, we ended up in the ER for the night. One "good" thing about it was the whole not breathing part made it so that they saw Memo right away. he was feeling better pretty quickly after the giant shot they gave him. But Sunday he was miserable. everything just hurt. The room got pushed for the day, but that was ok. I took advantage and slept alongside Memo most of the day. That actually felt amazingly nice!! He is doign fine now, just feels like he got beat up!

So here are some of the before pictures of the room... We took down the one wall already. We will be leaving the doors there and we still aren't sure if we are going to wall in the outdoor door or not. Basically this is the weird odd room that was beside our room. We added the room from our walk-in closet by breaking down the wall. It was amazing how big the room became. Can't wait to truly get started on it!!!


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