Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Well Memo and I have been married for 2 years and together for 3. We come from two VERY different backgrounds and that has taken some getting used to but with hard work it's working! Memo is the proud father of Alonso (14) and Maria (20) and also Grandpa to Julian and Jared!!! So I am already blessed to have an incredible family already in place. This is our story.

We are the owners of Circle C Stables- a horse boarding and training facility in APache Junction. Memo runs the ranch and I get to sit back and enjoy it!

The beginning off August we also received the incredible news... WE ARE PREGNANT!!! Then came the even bigger news... we were having quads!!! We got to see their tiny heartbeats and everything. It was amazing. After the appointment Memo and I just sat there looking at each other. I mean we wanted children and had been trying since we were married, BUT 4!!!! I personally was overwhelmed at least until my incredible husband took me into his arms and reassured me we could and would do this. He just knew from the beginning that we would be a great not so sure. They then sent us to a perinatal specialist. We got an appointment two weeks later. This was such a hard time.. we were nervous. They were very adament at our "normal" dr. about how easy it is to lose them at that point. NOT very reassuring!

Anyway- at our next appointment, they did another ultrasound and we found out we were down to 3. It was very hard to come to grips with. In a weird way we were relieved (because triplets are much easier to carry- on me and the kids than quads) but in the same, we both grieved for the missing kid. We were already making jokes about Memo always wanting a quad (the driving kind!) and me misunderstanding and giving him the other kind! SO that is the beginning of our new life!


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