Ok, so here is the new do. I went to Jenny and said "do what you want" I like it.. it's dark and sort but I like it! What do you think?
On a nice note, Memo and I are goign to the Grand Canyon for the New Years. We are very much looking forward to just being away and our last "quiet" New Years! It was a high of 21 yesterday, so we will be a tad chilly! All the better to cuddle up in though!
Babies are moving now to the point where you can feel them from the outside. Memo sat with his hand on my belly the other night just in awe. I must say it truly is the coolest thing to feel.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Everyone be safe!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Posted by Beth at 6:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Just a goof off- I was sitting at my desk and realized my back hurt. This would be because I was leaning way forward due to my big ole belly in the way! It is actually hanging over my desk!! YIKES!! good thing there is a reason for it!!
Here is alovely picture of me "hanging out!"
BIG SHOUT OUT TO SIL!! Thank you to Jen and her friends for the amazing amount of clothes I have gotten. Some stuff still ahs the tags on it!!!! I can't wait for us to get the room done so I can unpack it all!
Going to get my hair cut tonight... thinking of something funky and drastic... we'll see.
Posted by Beth at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Yesterday was another baby appointment. it actually went REALLY well. It's funny because I think I stump the Dr's a bit. They seem to be amazed that I have no complaints, questions or such. Alsono got to go with us and he got his first glimpse of his little brothers and sister. It was really cool to watch his face. Lilah was super active and even waved at him! Anyway stats wise, they said my cervix (like you really want to know) but they said it is super long. I was told that is a good thing because it keeps the kids snug in their house. Their heartbeats were 155, 145 and 154 per minute. So they are all healthy and looking good! YEAH! Here are some new pictures.. not the best but hey I had to take pictures of them with my cell phone because I couldn't get them to scan.
Here is Deven... guess he takes after me with his flexibility... hopefully no tto the point of getting everything fixed before he's 30 though!
Here is Mr. Dixen all curled in a ball. he actually moved into this position while we were watching which is beyond fun to watch!
And the Princess... Lilah- this is when she was waving at her big brother!
Posted by Beth at 5:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 28, 2009
It truly was a fabulous Christmas! We went to his Mom and Dad's (actually Lili's house) on Christmas eve. It was only a bummer because we didn't get to spend enough time with them. Memo had to get back and feed. His Mom hadn't seen me for about 2 weeks.... she was a bit shocked when I walked.. I mean waddled.. in the door. It is way too cool to see her face light up when she felt my tummy. Lili as always did an incredible job hosting. The Pozole was yummy and the ham was SUPER yummy. We enjoyed the time. The only bad part is I got stuck on the counch!!! Lili has this super comfy counch, well I sat down and slid to the back... learning really fast a pregnant lady's balance isn't the best. I literally had to roll out!
Anyway, after we (Alsonso, Memo and I) got back we lit a big fire and enjoyed just sitting around. That is until Alonso couldn't take it anymore.... ok and Memo... so we decided to open our presents.
We all were fully spoiled. I am the proud owner of a beautiful Sapphire earring and necklace set that are just perfect.. not to mention all the other things he spoiled me with.
The weekend turned a little icky only because I got the Flu on Saturday. Nothing like being up every hour with your head in the toilet! The only bad thing was the fact that bending over is not as easy as it used to be. I think a couple times I actually just slept on the floor. Poor Memo was all stressed out and he took good care of making sure I was ok. Sunday my Mom brought over the set " sick food" of 7-up, jello and sherbert. Always makes you feel better! Thanks Mom! Hehehehe... I get to call myself a Mom soon!!! Another baby appointment tomorrow!
I was a little worried about the flu and the not eating part. Once again my SIL came to the rescue and assured me the kiddos are still getting plenty of nutrients. Made me feel MUCH better! New pictures tomrrow!
Posted by Beth at 5:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
My dear husband decided last night he wants to take my measurements weekly to see just how much bigger I am getting daily. The only thing is he said we could always use the HORSE TAPE MEASURE!!!!! But in that same respect, I will say I am getting bigger by the day. We go tomorrow to check the fetal heart tones. We're going to take Alonso with us so that he gets to see his siblings. That is pretty exciting. It was very nice talking to my sister in law, Jen, on Saturday. She relieved some of the worries that the Dr's drive into your brain. Sometimes it's very hard to know just what to believe....
Well here are the shots! As you can see bigger by the minute!
ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!!! (So we are just at 20 weeks right now)
Posted by Beth at 1:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ok, maybe not dancing, but Memo actually got to totally feel them moving last night. He had the biggest smile on his face. It was so funny because they would move and he'd grinand say"did you feel that?" which of course I did! They do definately react to their dad's hands. He touches them and they move towards his hand. I find that kind of wild. Life is changing so fast and goodness knows it is up for even more changes. All I can say is Thank you to God for it all.
I feel the kids moving all the time. My belly is getting bigger by the day. I will get another picture up this week. Canyou believe Christmas is only 2 days away? YIKES. We have Alonso with us for the holidays. He seems to be excited about having little bros and a sister. He wanted to know if he could go with us to the Dr this week. We said of course.
Since this is my first pregnancy I am still wondering if all is normal. I mean all in all I have no problems, troubles or anything. I am a little tired and crash at night, and my belly gets in the way sometimes. (one of Memo's favorite things is to come over and hug me and measure how far away he has to stand) but I have no other issues. I guess all the years of weightlifting has helped!
I feel bad making a post withouta picture.. but oh well! :)
Posted by Beth at 5:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
Ok.. not sure how the correct spelling would be... Baby's or babies' ???
Anyway.. it was a wild weekend to say the least. We had planned on working on the kids' (ha.. I know that is spelled right!) but seems life had a little different idea for us. Saturday was a super nice day. We went to my Niece's birthday party and then movies and church on Saturday night. We had them planned to spend the entire Sunday turning our "closet" into the new room. Well, I had a brillant idea to try a new place to eat. It was really good.. BUT my poor husband had a horrible reaction to it. About 1:00 AM he woke me up because he was itchy. I turned the lights on and literally as I looked I wathced him turn into 1 giant hive. We rushed to the ER (his lips were puffy and his mouth was starting to swell) anyway.. long story short, we ended up in the ER for the night. One "good" thing about it was the whole not breathing part made it so that they saw Memo right away. he was feeling better pretty quickly after the giant shot they gave him. But Sunday he was miserable. everything just hurt. The room got pushed for the day, but that was ok. I took advantage and slept alongside Memo most of the day. That actually felt amazingly nice!! He is doign fine now, just feels like he got beat up!
So here are some of the before pictures of the room... We took down the one wall already. We will be leaving the doors there and we still aren't sure if we are going to wall in the outdoor door or not. Basically this is the weird odd room that was beside our room. We added the room from our walk-in closet by breaking down the wall. It was amazing how big the room became. Can't wait to truly get started on it!!!
Posted by Beth at 7:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
Last night I came home after a really crappy day and my husband surprised me with the nicest little thing...
He had put up stockings for the kids and then also put little outfits in them! So me, not feeling really well and being the weepy prenant chick.. started bawling. I mean it was a happy cry but a cry nonetheless. It is truly very cool to see our house becoming a home. If you all could see the differences in the ranch since Memo came over you would be amazed. It literally looks like a brand new place.
There is also a picture of the mantel with all of our stockings on it. Notice Memo's is quite a bit bigger than the rest... I think that is a hint to Santa.
On the crappy day part, they started me on BP meds and they are not making my life easier. Actually they seem to be giving me a naasty headache. I even tried today to take them at a different time, but I feel the headache creeping in!
Only one week until Christmas!!! YEAH! Hard to belive that next year we will have the kids here... already looking forward to watching them look at the lights their dad puts up...
Posted by Beth at 5:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Yesterday was PERFECT! Memo and I got to sit there and watch while they did the indepth ultrasounds of the kids. We now know for sure that we have 2 little boys and little girl! It is still so surreal, sitting there and watching them move around knowing they are growing inside me. I have to say it was one of the best moments in my life. I so look forward to the future and our family. Memo and I share ideas every day on what we want for us and them... it's really nice. Sometimes it scares me because it seems too good to be true! I LOVE MY LIFE, THE RANCH AND MY HUSBAND! He was sooo happy watching the Ultrasounds.. he wouldn't let go of my hand the whole time. There is nothing better than seeing the person you love so happy.
Beleive it or not, we actually have their names too.. I suppose you want to know huh???
Lilah Rose
Deven Orlando and
Dixen Guillermo
Here are some pictures of the kids.
DIXEN GUILLERMO- He has big feet like his dad!!! He was being shy with his arm covering his face.
and of course the Princess of the group!
Posted by Beth at 5:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Memo and I both are counting minutes until our 1:00 appointment to see the kids!! This will be an indepth one that will confirm the sexes and let us know all the growth info!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
Posted by Beth at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
This was a great weekend. We spent the weekend playhing as a family. It was Alonso's 14th birthday. He spent the whole weekend with us and it went waty too fast! He and his Dad went for a ride up to the Ghost town where I met them for lunch. It was super nice. Alonso got to see the latest pictures of his brothers/sisters.
On Friday I was trying to firgure out why I was having such a hard time breathing... well it was pretty easy to see after I laid back and looked. It seems the "kids" decided they watned to be up really high in my ribs. I am just kind of waiting for the day when I have to put my laptop on my belly to type! Speaking of which, here is another belly pic! It seems to get bigger by the minute sometimes!!
Tomorrow is the big day... we will find out no if and or butt(get it butts..hehe.. ok not too funny but hey... working on lack of sleep here) what we are having. Memo and I think 1 girl and two boys.. but they didn't get us a for sure on the 2nd boy. So tomorrow is the big day to find out.. YEAH! If Memo loses to his Mom (she still thinks 2 girls and a boy) then he has to go cook for her. If he wins she has to come over and cook for us!! I an kind of figuring that either way I am the winner in this whole thing food wise. OK... so anyway, not too much to say. 11 days until Christmas... kind of cool to think that next year I will have little ones to buy for Christmas.
Posted by Beth at 4:58 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
Ok, everyone keep asking for belly pictures! As much as I don't want to show them to anyone here is one.
This was me two weeks ago. I was only 16 weeks prego at the time.
Posted by Beth at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Ok.. just to start things off- everyone always asks did we do fertility treatments. The answer is yes.. but a year ago(clomid pills). That is NOT what gave us our beautiful kids. Luckily we had a very diagnostic type of Dr. They kept trying to figure out why we weren't prego. They finally decided to do a full "clean out" they roto routed my tubes and cleaned out my uterus (too much info?) At that time they also realized that my Cervix was very long. So they came up with a different option. They did an IUI- which basically means they took Memo's "stuff" and literally injected it into my Uterus. Just basically putting it in the right place. Low and behold what came out of it is our 3 peas in a pod! So there you go, anyone who is wondering.. nope- no drugs, no IVF (like we have an extra $10,000 to try with) no nothing but a little help getting things in the right places. I do feel especially blessed.
Posted by Beth at 2:48 PM 0 comments
One of their first pictures!
Here is one of the first ones. We had been calling them all Cinco.. there is a personal meaning behind it but it also came to stand for the fact the we suddenly became a family of 5. Anyway, we had decided the biggest one was Cinco becasue it wouldn't quit moving around!!!
Posted by Beth at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Well Memo and I have been married for 2 years and together for 3. We come from two VERY different backgrounds and that has taken some getting used to but with hard work it's working! Memo is the proud father of Alonso (14) and Maria (20) and also Grandpa to Julian and Jared!!! So I am already blessed to have an incredible family already in place. This is our story.
We are the owners of Circle C Stables- www.circlecstables.com a horse boarding and training facility in APache Junction. Memo runs the ranch and I get to sit back and enjoy it!
The beginning off August we also received the incredible news... WE ARE PREGNANT!!! Then came the even bigger news... we were having quads!!! We got to see their tiny heartbeats and everything. It was amazing. After the appointment Memo and I just sat there looking at each other. I mean we wanted children and had been trying since we were married, BUT 4!!!! I personally was overwhelmed at least until my incredible husband took me into his arms and reassured me we could and would do this. He just knew from the beginning that we would be a great family...me... not so sure. They then sent us to a perinatal specialist. We got an appointment two weeks later. This was such a hard time.. we were nervous. They were very adament at our "normal" dr. about how easy it is to lose them at that point. NOT very reassuring!
Anyway- at our next appointment, they did another ultrasound and we found out we were down to 3. It was very hard to come to grips with. In a weird way we were relieved (because triplets are much easier to carry- on me and the kids than quads) but in the same, we both grieved for the missing kid. We were already making jokes about Memo always wanting a quad (the driving kind!) and me misunderstanding and giving him the other kind! SO that is the beginning of our new life!
Posted by Beth at 11:24 AM 0 comments