Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have been pumping and letting the kiddos snuggle / play at my boobs. It really is an amazing experience. Just looking down at those little faces and seeing them gaze up at you. Well, Dixon has decided since last ight that nursing is a cool thing! He actually did a full eating from me. it was SOOOOOOOOO neat! Lilah is doing good, but she loses her concentration ad moves on to watching her hand or looking around... hmmm who does that remind you of? :P
The picture is of Dixon nursing last night.

Devin thinks it's fun and wants hi smouth on them but jsut kind of hangs out. All these things are fine because they truly shouldn't be this advanced on nursing yet but we were doing it to increase my milk and to hold them skin to skin. I keep saying the word amazing.. but I cant seem to come up with anything else to describe this feeling. It totally worked because I am now getting at least 1 big tube thingy every 2 hours. All the kids are now on breast milk even if it still has to go in via a tube.

Ok, heading up to see the kiddos.


Jen said...

Hooray for mama's milk! You are such an awesome mom <3 Lucky babies!

Erin said...

Go mama Go!
(From Jen's friend, and another mom who knows the feeling but can't describe it either.)

Shari said...

Hi Beth - I just popped in from Jens' Facebook are doing such a great thing for your babies, so proud of you! And they are so so cute!!! Congratulations!

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