I will start off by first saying WOW people have said it to me before about how you won't know that absolute love until you have a kid. Before this, I used to not really get it... well, now I TOTALLY get it.
Well, it has been an exiting and exhausting weekend. As you all know, the kiddos were born on Friday morning. The surgery went well. I was very surprised to see how big the incision was. If you are squeemish don't look at this picture! It's a picture of the Dr fishing for Devin! He was way up tucked under my ribs so she had to literally put most of her arm in me trying to get a hold of him. He was quite content inside.
Ok, enough about me... on to the important stuff the kids!
Well A LOT and I mean A LOT has happened since Friday. goodness... not even sure where to start... well, we can start on Friday
8:55 is when they started being born. Lilah was first, she came out with a bang and a cry. They brought her over to me... she was beautiful but wow... someone should have told me just how purple they are! She was slimy and purple but beautiful at the same time.
8:56 they pulled Dixon out and at 8:59 out came Devin. it was amazing how quickly they were able to get them all out. Well they whisked them over to the basinets and went to work on them. It was nice to hear them all crying over there. I could see them but it was rough.. there were more than 20 people in the OR. Each baby had their own team which had a Dr., a respitory nurse, a standard RN and an aide, then I had a team of 7 on me as well. LOTS of people everywhere. Before they took them away they brought each "cleaned up" version over to see me before they took them up to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) On there way up to there, they did get a bit highjacked by my Mom, Jen(my SIL) and Memo's family... basically they were told where to stand because the kids would be being wheeled by... so when they saw them come out, they sent the elevator away :) this way they could see them for a few minutes before they went. I though that was too funny. Well Memo went up with the kiddos so he could see what was going on and Mom and Jen came into the recovery with me.
That was tough.. sitting there not knowing what was going on... then I got the first one... a text and a pic. Thank Goodness for cell phones!! They went into the NICU but they are making HUGE leaps at getting out. ok, on to the fun stuff...
Lilah Rose- she is doing amazing. They put the air thing over her nose. It is called a cpac- basically it pushes the oxygen into their lungs. It looks scary but it truly is just a simple mask. She had IV's and a heater too. It was pretty standard stuff. Actually they all had the same things. Here is a picture of Devin with Mom and Nana in his "gear" It looks scary but it really isn't too much. I am happy to say they told us there has never been a set of triplets that just had that on. Most of them ended up in the isolets(the little boxes that push oxygen into their lungs)
So even though they looked a little scary, they were truly doing well.
ok, it's getting late and I want to post more but I am pooped... I promise to catch up more later. Here is a link to Jen's pictures she had taken. there are lots of good ones on there!
ok.. a small falsh into tomorrow's info... here's a couple pics
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