Friday, April 9, 2010


Also Happy Birthday to Melissa in Ohio! Well it's been an amazing and incredible week. If someone would have told me the incredible love and feelings you have for your kids from the get go I would have just nodded my head and gone"uhhuu" It truly is something you can't explain to someone, I know I never understood it until 8:55 last Friday morning! I guess the truth is nor could i explain it to anyone myself now.

Let me try and catch everyone up!

I am still stuck in the hospital which is good and bad. I love being able to spend sooo much time with the kids. BUT being in a hospital well... it jsut sucks. They are keeping me hostage because my BP is whacked out. No biggie, but they just want to control it before they let me go. I miss my house and my dogs and most expecially miss my BED! Hopefully I should be out today or tomorrow.
Lilah and Dixon are now on what they call Feed and Grow. Basically they don't have their IV's anymore just some monitoring equipmant. They do still have tubes down their noses, but that is actually our choice. We have chosen to feed by breast and gavage only. Gavage is a way of getting feed into their tummies by a tube instead of having them do any work for it. They are doing that when I am not here and also when I am here... When i am here, we breast feed but use the gavage to get their nutrition. It has worked REALLY well. ALL THREE of them are actually breastfeeding! BIG HUGE THANKS TO JEN!! She has really helped in teaching me how to get it done. They had to be taught a little because they just don;t have that reflex at the moment. It has been wonderful. As they learn more and more it's so fun to watch them want to eat. Devin is one of the best at "cueing" he roots and opens his mouth.. just trying to find where it is. They all root and they are kickin butt.

Lilah- she is a piggie- she loves to be held and LOVES to see me and Memo. She has big beautiful eyes. She scours the room for us when she hears us talking to one of her brothers. She is loving eating from me although she is a bit like me.. a tad ADD! She will ahppily be eating and her dad will come by to say hi. All he has to do is speak and boop... her attention is gone. I just remind her with a squirt and bam she is back to suckling. They are kind of sitting on the heart thing. Basically they are saying htey need to let her grow and see if she grows out of it. So far it's really been no change either way.
Dixon- He is a tank. He's putting weight on faster than anyone and LOVES being sung to. When I put him up to breast he was the first to actually open his mouth and root around. He is so cute when he opens his eyes and raises his eyebrows up. He has the best facial expressions.

Devin is a STUD! He is way above everyone's expectations but Memo and Mine. He is eating from the breast and loving it. Noone expected him to latch on but of course being the stud that he is he kicked ass and latched on! He sucked and sucked and totally got TONS of milk! I am sooo proud of him! We have a new Dr for him and we really like him. He is very proactive and was pushy about getting his weight up and feeding him more.

OK, back up for feeding time. I will talk later!!


Jen said...

Look at them!! I can't stay away another whole day...I'll find a way to come by tomorrow afternoon. You rock, mama Beth!

mary said...


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