Tell me they didn't miss each other. When they are together they are always touching each other. They even hold hands.
Not much extra room on Dad's chest
Tell me they didn't miss each other. When they are together they are always touching each other. They even hold hands.
Not much extra room on Dad's chest
Posted by Beth at 1:09 PM 2 comments
We snuck in a little brother sister time! The first time they had all been together since they were born. I can't waait for more time like that!!
Posted by Beth at 11:59 AM 3 comments
Devin is a STUD! He is way above everyone's expectations but Memo and Mine. He is eating from the breast and loving it. Noone expected him to latch on but of course being the stud that he is he kicked ass and latched on! He sucked and sucked and totally got TONS of milk! I am sooo proud of him! We have a new Dr for him and we really like him. He is very proactive and was pushy about getting his weight up and feeding him more.
OK, back up for feeding time. I will talk later!!
Posted by Beth at 12:52 PM 2 comments
Posted by Beth at 8:28 AM 3 comments
Posted by Beth at 4:18 PM 4 comments
Posted by Beth at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Well, today is the day!!! They have decided to deliver me today. It seems Mr Dixon and Miss Lilah are eating all the food. Poor Devin isn't getting all he needs! So on a quick one... today is their day!!
They are here to get me now, so I have to go. I promise to post as soon as we know more!!!!
Big thank you to Starlene!! She came all the way back from her home in Maricopa (1 hour away) after a long day at work just to take pictures of Memo and I together before today.
Posted by Beth at 7:32 AM 3 comments
Last night Memo and I are sitting here having a goofy time playing games... in walks the neonatologist, The Neo is the Dr that takes care fo the babies (not me) after they are born. They specialize in preemies. Well, in she walks and says... "I hear we will be delivering you tomorrow" Well, both Memo and I look at her and laugh saying, no it's next thursday. Her face gets a funky look and we quickly see that she thinks we had "heard the news" What it comes down to is this. One of the Dr's from PPA (the group we are seeing) Dr Spence, was looking at the growth charts and think that it would be better to "get them out" now. Well, give me a medical reason and no problem but just because well then no.. it's not going to happen. So long story short, we had to spend the night trying to figure out what today has in store for us. And still at this point, do not know. The hard part is this, we don't liek Dr Spence, we never have, she is very old school in her thinking and is not open to hearing anything from her patients just telling them. We specifically requested not to use her. It seems that she is the one on rotation today at the hospital. My problem with all this is that if there is this big hurry to get them out, why didn't the Dr from the day beefore say anything? I just think it's Dr Spence being Dr Spence. I mean she is saying this without even seeing me. She is stating that Devin is smaller then the others and that is why they are worried. I mean for pete's sake, there are three of them in there... of course they are different sizes. I mean Kelly is 5'6 or so and I am 5'9... so shoul dthey have taken Kelly early?? Oh wait, they didn't have anything to compare her to at the time....Can you tell I am upset?? The thing is that they scare you into it. I am totally not against delivering them a week early, but it's jus the whole way it was presented and without a shred of "proof"
Ok, for now I am done venting. I have nothing else to say and I promise to post what happens. In the meantime I am going to look up more "stuff" to "go into battle"
Posted by Beth at 6:26 AM 1 comments
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