Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lazy Boys

Well the boys have their tubes out and we are just waiting on them to decide eating a fiul feeding is a good thing. They just kind of eat a bit of food and then fall asleep. We personally think that both boys are just not happy with the schedule they have them on. So we just wait and see day by day. We are both very ready to have them all home and start our new life together. Miss Lilah Rose is kicking butt. She has been fabulous in terms of sleeping and eating and just being a baby. She is spoiling us with how easily she travels and goes places with us. The nice part is we have been moved to rooms called CCN rooms. They are nice because they allow us to be parents... we get to hold them when we want, put them together, give them baths. The only bad part is they are hooked up to monitors but hey that is better than nothing! Ok, feeding time again...

Devin and Dixon hanging with Mom

Tell me they didn't miss each other. When they are together they are always touching each other. They even hold hands.

Not much extra room on Dad's chest

Our blonde boy Devin!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


We snuck in a little brother sister time! The first time they had all been together since they were born. I can't waait for more time like that!!

Miss Lilah Rose meets her Nanny for the first time!

Dad feeding his little girl

Look Ma, no tubes!!!

More Nanny time

Pretty in Pink

Lilah is the first to head home. Kicking her brother's butts in the eating contest.
Getting ready and learning her car seat to go home... I mean head out for pizza!
Have to be pretty for her first date night with dad and Mom... hmmm which pizza place... thinkin Fat Mans or maybe Papa Murphys.

I guess I need to explain the signs a little... when a baby is ready to go home, they won't say they are going home, it's bad luck. Kind of like an actor with good luck, you have to say Break a Leg. So what they say is that the babies are going out for pizza. So one morning we come in to see them and each baby has a sign on their board... Mr. Devin taking a nap.

Now he opens his huge eyes and wants to know where his lunch is!!

Lunch is downa dn now it's back to nap time... tough to be a baby. He is growing by leaps and bounds. Alomost 4 pounds now and he eats better than his bro. We are betting he is number 2 home!!

Here is Dixon's sign... he is the biggest boy but the laziest. He loves to be cuddled and hugged but he just doesn't like the bottle.

Look at that sleeping cutie!!! So who does he look like???

So who is who?? Any guesses??

Friday, April 9, 2010


Also Happy Birthday to Melissa in Ohio! Well it's been an amazing and incredible week. If someone would have told me the incredible love and feelings you have for your kids from the get go I would have just nodded my head and gone"uhhuu" It truly is something you can't explain to someone, I know I never understood it until 8:55 last Friday morning! I guess the truth is nor could i explain it to anyone myself now.

Let me try and catch everyone up!

I am still stuck in the hospital which is good and bad. I love being able to spend sooo much time with the kids. BUT being in a hospital well... it jsut sucks. They are keeping me hostage because my BP is whacked out. No biggie, but they just want to control it before they let me go. I miss my house and my dogs and most expecially miss my BED! Hopefully I should be out today or tomorrow.
Lilah and Dixon are now on what they call Feed and Grow. Basically they don't have their IV's anymore just some monitoring equipmant. They do still have tubes down their noses, but that is actually our choice. We have chosen to feed by breast and gavage only. Gavage is a way of getting feed into their tummies by a tube instead of having them do any work for it. They are doing that when I am not here and also when I am here... When i am here, we breast feed but use the gavage to get their nutrition. It has worked REALLY well. ALL THREE of them are actually breastfeeding! BIG HUGE THANKS TO JEN!! She has really helped in teaching me how to get it done. They had to be taught a little because they just don;t have that reflex at the moment. It has been wonderful. As they learn more and more it's so fun to watch them want to eat. Devin is one of the best at "cueing" he roots and opens his mouth.. just trying to find where it is. They all root and they are kickin butt.

Lilah- she is a piggie- she loves to be held and LOVES to see me and Memo. She has big beautiful eyes. She scours the room for us when she hears us talking to one of her brothers. She is loving eating from me although she is a bit like me.. a tad ADD! She will ahppily be eating and her dad will come by to say hi. All he has to do is speak and boop... her attention is gone. I just remind her with a squirt and bam she is back to suckling. They are kind of sitting on the heart thing. Basically they are saying htey need to let her grow and see if she grows out of it. So far it's really been no change either way.
Dixon- He is a tank. He's putting weight on faster than anyone and LOVES being sung to. When I put him up to breast he was the first to actually open his mouth and root around. He is so cute when he opens his eyes and raises his eyebrows up. He has the best facial expressions.

Devin is a STUD! He is way above everyone's expectations but Memo and Mine. He is eating from the breast and loving it. Noone expected him to latch on but of course being the stud that he is he kicked ass and latched on! He sucked and sucked and totally got TONS of milk! I am sooo proud of him! We have a new Dr for him and we really like him. He is very proactive and was pushy about getting his weight up and feeding him more.

OK, back up for feeding time. I will talk later!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have been pumping and letting the kiddos snuggle / play at my boobs. It really is an amazing experience. Just looking down at those little faces and seeing them gaze up at you. Well, Dixon has decided since last ight that nursing is a cool thing! He actually did a full eating from me. it was SOOOOOOOOO neat! Lilah is doing good, but she loses her concentration ad moves on to watching her hand or looking around... hmmm who does that remind you of? :P
The picture is of Dixon nursing last night.

Devin thinks it's fun and wants hi smouth on them but jsut kind of hangs out. All these things are fine because they truly shouldn't be this advanced on nursing yet but we were doing it to increase my milk and to hold them skin to skin. I keep saying the word amazing.. but I cant seem to come up with anything else to describe this feeling. It totally worked because I am now getting at least 1 big tube thingy every 2 hours. All the kids are now on breast milk even if it still has to go in via a tube.

Ok, heading up to see the kiddos.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Lilah Rose gave us a bit of a scare this morning. She decided to stop her heart from beating.. not a nice thing to do! But she is doing well and they are not too worried about her. They are going to give her caffeine.( I requested Chai Tes but they said she likes Starbucks... totally NOT my child if she does... I will have to talk to her about spending $10.00 on a coffee!!! )
Dixon is kickin gbutt- He actually breast feeds now. He decided that was pretty cool. My milk is coming in.. it's actually perfect because I seem to produce right around the amount that they would normally need right now. He is actually on 12 CC's now every three hours!!!!
Devin is totally blowing eeryone away. His daddy got to hold him in what is called kangaroo care. It's where Memo (or me) takes off his shirt and then holds the kids against their chest. Devin LOVED it. he kept looking around and just snuggled right in

Ok, Dr just walked in have to talk to them... I will post more later, but here are a bunch of pics!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I will start off by first saying WOW people have said it to me before about how you won't know that absolute love until you have a kid. Before this, I used to not really get it... well, now I TOTALLY get it.


Well, it has been an exiting and exhausting weekend. As you all know, the kiddos were born on Friday morning. The surgery went well. I was very surprised to see how big the incision was. If you are squeemish don't look at this picture! It's a picture of the Dr fishing for Devin! He was way up tucked under my ribs so she had to literally put most of her arm in me trying to get a hold of him. He was quite content inside.

Ok, enough about me... on to the important stuff the kids!
Well A LOT and I mean A LOT has happened since Friday. goodness... not even sure where to start... well, we can start on Friday

8:55 is when they started being born. Lilah was first, she came out with a bang and a cry. They brought her over to me... she was beautiful but wow... someone should have told me just how purple they are! She was slimy and purple but beautiful at the same time.

8:56 they pulled Dixon out and at 8:59 out came Devin. it was amazing how quickly they were able to get them all out. Well they whisked them over to the basinets and went to work on them. It was nice to hear them all crying over there. I could see them but it was rough.. there were more than 20 people in the OR. Each baby had their own team which had a Dr., a respitory nurse, a standard RN and an aide, then I had a team of 7 on me as well. LOTS of people everywhere. Before they took them away they brought each "cleaned up" version over to see me before they took them up to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) On there way up to there, they did get a bit highjacked by my Mom, Jen(my SIL) and Memo's family... basically they were told where to stand because the kids would be being wheeled by... so when they saw them come out, they sent the elevator away :) this way they could see them for a few minutes before they went. I though that was too funny. Well Memo went up with the kiddos so he could see what was going on and Mom and Jen came into the recovery with me.

That was tough.. sitting there not knowing what was going on... then I got the first one... a text and a pic. Thank Goodness for cell phones!! They went into the NICU but they are making HUGE leaps at getting out. ok, on to the fun stuff...

Lilah Rose- she is doing amazing. They put the air thing over her nose. It is called a cpac- basically it pushes the oxygen into their lungs. It looks scary but it truly is just a simple mask. She had IV's and a heater too. It was pretty standard stuff. Actually they all had the same things. Here is a picture of Devin with Mom and Nana in his "gear" It looks scary but it really isn't too much. I am happy to say they told us there has never been a set of triplets that just had that on. Most of them ended up in the isolets(the little boxes that push oxygen into their lungs)

So even though they looked a little scary, they were truly doing well.

ok, it's getting late and I want to post more but I am pooped... I promise to catch up more later. Here is a link to Jen's pictures she had taken. there are lots of good ones on there!

ok.. a small falsh into tomorrow's info... here's a couple pics

Friday, April 2, 2010


Well, today is the day!!! They have decided to deliver me today. It seems Mr Dixon and Miss Lilah are eating all the food. Poor Devin isn't getting all he needs! So on a quick one... today is their day!!

They are here to get me now, so I have to go. I promise to post as soon as we know more!!!!

Big thank you to Starlene!! She came all the way back from her home in Maricopa (1 hour away) after a long day at work just to take pictures of Memo and I together before today.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Last night Memo and I are sitting here having a goofy time playing games... in walks the neonatologist, The Neo is the Dr that takes care fo the babies (not me) after they are born. They specialize in preemies. Well, in she walks and says... "I hear we will be delivering you tomorrow" Well, both Memo and I look at her and laugh saying, no it's next thursday. Her face gets a funky look and we quickly see that she thinks we had "heard the news" What it comes down to is this. One of the Dr's from PPA (the group we are seeing) Dr Spence, was looking at the growth charts and think that it would be better to "get them out" now. Well, give me a medical reason and no problem but just because well then no.. it's not going to happen. So long story short, we had to spend the night trying to figure out what today has in store for us. And still at this point, do not know. The hard part is this, we don't liek Dr Spence, we never have, she is very old school in her thinking and is not open to hearing anything from her patients just telling them. We specifically requested not to use her. It seems that she is the one on rotation today at the hospital. My problem with all this is that if there is this big hurry to get them out, why didn't the Dr from the day beefore say anything? I just think it's Dr Spence being Dr Spence. I mean she is saying this without even seeing me. She is stating that Devin is smaller then the others and that is why they are worried. I mean for pete's sake, there are three of them in there... of course they are different sizes. I mean Kelly is 5'6 or so and I am 5'9... so shoul dthey have taken Kelly early?? Oh wait, they didn't have anything to compare her to at the time....Can you tell I am upset?? The thing is that they scare you into it. I am totally not against delivering them a week early, but it's jus the whole way it was presented and without a shred of "proof"

Ok, for now I am done venting. I have nothing else to say and I promise to post what happens. In the meantime I am going to look up more "stuff" to "go into battle"

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