Friday, January 29, 2010


OK.. so I am a bad blogger right now. This week has really been a rough one. I have been fighting a cold that moved right into my chest since last week. I feel like I am being a big baby... I mean I don't mean to complain but everything hurts, I cough liek crazy and eery time I do they all kick me back. Kind of painful! Anyway.. it was all I could do to make it in to work then go home and sleep. So I apologize for not writing. here's what's up:

We went on Wednesday for a Dr appointment. It went very well. They did the growth measures again for the kids, but we had a kind of crappy Ultrasound tech. Most of the time they are super nice at making sure you get some good pictures.. not this one. She jsut did her measurements, checked the innards (heart, lungs and such) and that was all. I have some pictures but honestly they are kind of hard to define anything on. The funny part was Miss Lilah. She kept beating up her brother Dixen the whole time. You would see her punch in and smack him around. Deven was just happily hanging out doing nothing but sleeping. I do love watching them. All in all they said everything is good. I had to fight a little again for not taking the Diabetes test. This is the 4th Dr I had to explain it all again to. He was good though, he just said no problem, and gave me a chart to test my sugars with Memo's monitor three times a day until my next appointment. Works for me! The kiddos are all in the high percentile for singleton growth so that is a good good thing!

Speaking of Memo, he has been busting out the baby room. I will have to get the pictures this weekend. It is all made and ready to paint now. With the rain though we haven't been able to paint. The room is right next to our room so the fumes would kill us if we couldn't open it up. Hopefully this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed!

Ok, liek I said before I feel like I can't post without a picture.. so here are a few lovely pictures of my big tummy!!! The one is from above...I can't see my feet anymore! YIKES! Actually there are actually times when I can't even get my shoes on. Memo has to do it for me! Actaully I am content because while my tummy is getting bigger I really have only gained 10 pounds so far.


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