Monday, November 15, 2010


I just realized i hadn't posted anything in 2 months.... it is amazing how time flys! Well, A LOT has been going on. The kiddos are super healthy and doing great. dixon and Lilah are sitting up. Devin just thinks everythign is funny and giggles constantly. the sitting up part for him is a no go though. He figures it's much easier to sit in Mom and Dad's arms. We had a fun halloween. It was soem busy weekends before leading up to the fall festival. Which went off very well! Looking forward to building it bigger! ! Big thanks to Mom for my new camera! Now I can get cool shots of them all the time. They are all eating real food and loving it. Now we have to pack food whenever we do go out to eat. Otherwise they will be chomping ours!

lastly- just got weighed yesterday!
Lilah- 17.5
Dixon- 17.9
Devin- 18.11 !!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


This is one Mimi took.


Well we had a GREAT visit to Ohio. the plane trip wasn't too traumatic...well you might want to ask the other passengers. All went well except the airport leaving Phoenix. That was a joke. Between Memo not being able to go more than 2 feet with our mongo stoller without someone stopping us to the security that literally went through every little thing we had (and we had A LOT) I promise to post lots of good pictures or you can go to their Mimi's website and check out all that she posted.

We spent the week at my Dad's house where Pop and Mimi got to meet and get to know their grandkids. All the kids fell in love with them at first hold! it was a fabulous week and we got spoiled beyond belief on the cooking factor. Mimi cooked everything in the world I love plus some. Memo now knows what good home cookin means. NO WHISPERS... home cooking is NOT my best attribute and REALLY isn't now that the kiddos are here!

Opps, crying kiddo... I will post more in a bit. Here are some good pics!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Guest Post: Hanging Out with the Villa Triplets

Today we have a guest post from my lovely friend Starlene who came over to visit our family. Thanks for hanging out with us, Starlene!

I've been meaning to get over to visit the Villa triplets and finally I decided I'd better get serious about finding time to make the 70 mile drive since they won't stay little and cute forever.

I rang the front doorbell and Memo and Alonso greeted me at the door and had me come through to the kitchen area where Beth was tending to the three babies. Miss Lilah Rose was asleep, and Beth was standing, holding one of the boys in her arms, standing near the other baby boy holding his bottle, and had her cell phone propped on her shoulder.

I told Beth when I came over to visit I'd be more than happy to help wrangle babies, so before too long I was holding one of the boys, I think I started out holding Devin.

The kids are pretty good at tag teaming Mom. One would fall to sleep and another would wake up. Beth takes it all in stride and is calm and cool.

Finally two of the babies were sleeping and Beth headed into the kitchen to wash a few dishes and make lunch. I was rocking one of the boys (I think still Devin) while standing, he enjoyed being patted on the back while I rocked back and forth from one foot to the other. Little did I know the next day my calves and biceps would feel like I'd been working out at a gym. :-) One of the boys was in a seat thing on the counter and Memo was talking to the baby and the baby was cooing and trying really hard to talk to Daddy and tell him all about it.

After awhile Beth asked if I would like to go to the store with her and babies. She went to get ready and asked Memo to fill me in on what a trip to the store was like. Memo said we would get stopped again and again and again as people realized there were triplets.

When Beth came back she had some baby outfits, and three car seats. As she dressed each one, she handed him or her off to Memo and he strapped the baby into a car seat. While the babies were sitting on the couch together I snapped a few photos. Two of the babies started fussing and big brother Alonso stepped right in and did some rocking, held a bottle and got them happy again.

Then all three babies were carted out and strapped in the car's back seat. There was some fussing on the way to Costco, but not too much.

The shopping carts are big at Costco, thank goodness, but they still only hold two babies per cart.

Beth found some adorable Hallowe'en costumes and considered buying little duck outfits for the babies.

We walked around slowly, shopping for a few things, and true to Memo's prediction there were lots of admiring people asking questions about the babies. How many? Boys or girls? How old are they?

Beth simply beamed with pride over her three little munchkins. When we were close to checking it out it became apparent that Miss Lilah Rose needed a diaper change and she wasn't going to put up with sitting in that mess, so I stayed with Devin and Dixon while Beth and Lilah Rose took a potty break. Devin fussed while they were gone but he was interested in his bottle. Dixon was content looking around.

The only time things became difficult was when we were standing still in the checkout line. The babies didn't like sitting still and they all three started to cry. Beth was rocking the cart with Lilah and Dixon and I was rocking the cart with Devin. Beth was able to get Lilah to calm down and stop crying, and ended up taking one of the boys from his car seat.

We bought our stuff and headed to the car. The sun was shining so terribly bright; even though we pulled the car seat shields down the babies all had their eyes tightly closed. They need some little baby sunglasses. :-) We turned the carts around and pushed them backwards so that the sun wasn't right in their eyes.

Things were pretty quiet on the ride back home. I'd bought some perishable items from Costco so I couldn't stay too much longer, but I helped Beth get the babies and the groceries into the house. She grabbed two babies and I grabbed one, and then we went back out for groceries.

I really had a great time with these cutie babies. They are growing so quickly, so cute and healthy. I'm glad I was able to get over and visit. Adorable babies!

I'll have to make time to come over and visit again soon! Thanks Beth and Memo for having me over!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I was at work and Memo sent this to my email. I think I have probably watched it twenty times already!


I was at my desk at work... sighing because I wanted to be home with my kiddos and my husband...then to my surprise I got an email from my husband. He said that Dixon was watching TV (something we will have to chat about later!) and he saw Mickey Mouse. So now Dixon is rallying to go to Disneyland. memo said he is dressed and ready and sitting like a big boy in his Bumbo. I guess we better start saving now!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Dixon being shy in the sling!

I feel badly that I haven't posted. There has been lots going on and every day it seems the kiddos do something new.

They are all right at the 10 pound range! It's amazing to see how quickly they grow. I remember thinking babies were just little blobs... I couldn't have been more wrong!

Devin getting a snack in while everyone else is fishing and catching crawfish!

These are our first pictures as a family. We went up to a friends cabin in Pinetop a few weekends ago. Memo's Mom and Dad came up with his nephew and niece. Dan, Jen and the Bass kids came up as well. it was a blast! fishing, hiking and just plain hanging out.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Well last week I started back to work as in leaving my kiddos and coming in to the office. While it was nice to have adult conversations and use my brain for something other than baby stuff, it was horrible leaving them. Even though I knew they were in good hands. Tuesday they stayed home with their daddy. He was a bit overwhelmed by the time I got home. Jen and Dan took them for me on Thursday. It wwas nice knowing the kiddos were with family.

This was week number two- I still cry all the way into work.. BUT it seems the kids don't miss me. Especially when they are with their Auntie-

for those of you that don't know what you are looking at, Jen is "wearing" the two boys and that is Miss Lilah in front of her. She introduced me to wearing the kids in the beginning and I truly don't know what I woudl do without the different wraps she has given me. The wraps are a way of snuggling the kids next to you while keeping your arms free. it truly has a great feeling and the kids love it. Even the most fussybaby is totally soothed as soon as their little body gets snuged in. It is a surefire way to get them to sleep. These aren't your normal carriers you buy at Wal-Mart, they are specially made to position the kids up high and close to the wearer's heart. I have now become a HUGE promoter of them!!

So as you can see in the picture, kids are good and happy. They are VERY lucky to have a great Auntie taking care of them.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Not a title you expect to find on the blog for the kiddos but it fits. Last night their protector Balou died. Memo helped me to bury him up by Mom's little girl Teddi. All I can say is that I am very happy he got to spend some time with the kiddos. He truly loved them and protected them from everyone.. including Memo sometimes.

I remember the first time I saw him with a child. My bro had jsut moved down with his family and Evelyn was just 2 (I think) she walked in the house and fearlessly squatted down and hugged his big ol head. talk about a heart attack... I mean he could be grumpy at times and would make this horrible ARF and reach back, never biting, just scaring the beejeezus out of you... so all i could imagine was him doing the to Elfie and scaring the heck out of her... well that's not what happened. He just got a big doggie smile and let her crawl all over him. It was so cute. From then on as soon as Elfie got here he would run over to the van looking for her.

Monday, June 7, 2010

So much to tell, yet they never let me talk!

Well, I just realized how long it's been since I posted... sorry but the days just slam by. Ok, quick update.
The kids are amazing! I assume all Moms say that but mine are super amazing! :) I have very much enjoyed my time home with them. The bugger of it is that I have to go back to work this week. If there was one thing I wished hadn't happened it would have been the NICU. We met lots of great people there, but it 24 days out of my time with my kiddos... totally sucks. Once we got them home life changed soooo much. Heck they change every day. Just the other day they all started looking in the mirror and seeing us and them.. it is WAY cool.

Dixon- well he is a screamer(don't let the sweet look fool you!)... he actually sounds like a cat when he cries. He gets super pissed and crews his face all up. Most of the time all he wants is attention. heck who doesn't. His eyes have changed to brown and he still has TONS of hair. Him and Lilah fight for the chunkiest. He is a mama's boy at the moment.

Devin- He is a terror! Actually he is a really good boy but when he does work into a tizzy then yikes watch out! He is very hard to calm down. He seems to be the brightest of them in terms of checking things out. He loves scanning the room, always looking for something new. He's just a terror because one day one thing will work to calm him down, then it won't work the next day. His eyes have stayed blue and his hair is definately a blondish color. He is a white boy for sure! much paler than the others. We have decided he is our smart biy and the others will be cheating off of him at school!

Miss Lilah- Our little happy girl. She is over 8 lbs now. She is truly a happy girl. It's very funny because when she does cry it tends to be with a smile! Her eyes are brown and big and she has the cutest dimples! She loves for anyone and everyone ot hold her and is now awake for at least 3 hours at a time. She's always the first to wake in the morning and usually wakes with a big smile.
Memo laughs because when he gets up at 4:30 to feed by the time he comes back in the house about an hour later his spot is taken by three little munchkins. So here's what happens: My alarm (Lilah) goes off at 4:15 or so... that prompts me to wake up Memo. He gets up and Lilah comes to eat in bed with me... about 10 minutes later up pops Dixon... same move he comes over for breakfast in bed. then last to wake up is Devin... in the beginning they all used to eat then go back to sleep for about 2 hours (nice for me) but not any more (not so nice for me) so now it's playtime... mirrors, rattles, face making games... anyone ever tried to keep 3 babies entertained by themselves at one time.. it's tiring!!

We went over to Dan and Jen's for the holiday and had a BLAST. jen used her new camera to take some baby shots- here's the link to the page... they are amazing!!!!

Now for some random pics!

Lilah styling for the summer!

Baloo watching guard over his kids!

Me and Devin with one of the slings. jen has taught me to use them and I would be so bummed without them.. They are SOOOO handy!
Dixon with his big brother Alonso

Trust me we both feel like this sometimes!!!

Auntie Jen juggling two!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Ok, they have actually been home a full week. Needless to say writing on the blog has been the last thing on my mind. It has been an exciting week. The first night they were pretty much up all night. They were so not used to being with each other they would react to each other for every little thing. It was a little nervracking. We were a tad scared that it would last forever... but alas within that next day they worked it out. Now they lay there on each other, hold hands and just generally seem to be happy to have their siblings.

Everyone asks if we have help. Well right now, we have had Jen (my sil) and his Mom and sister come for some daily visits, but generally no we are just doing it ourself. We are both amazed daily at them. I did a scrapbook for them and was looking at the pictures Jen had taken from the first days. They look so tiny!

Ok, I have a lot to say but I know you are just dying to see pictures... ok..

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