Dixon being shy in the sling!
Devin getting a snack in while everyone else is fishing and catching crawfish!
I feel badly that I haven't posted. There has been lots going on and every day it seems the kiddos do something new.
They are all right at the 10 pound range! It's amazing to see how quickly they grow. I remember thinking babies were just little blobs... I couldn't have been more wrong!
Devin getting a snack in while everyone else is fishing and catching crawfish!
These are our first pictures as a family. We went up to a friends cabin in Pinetop a few weekends ago. Memo's Mom and Dad came up with his nephew and niece. Dan, Jen and the Bass kids came up as well. it was a blast! fishing, hiking and just plain hanging out.
What a great looking family. Wish we could be there to help and enjoy the kids. Our new one is with us this week, and we had a great fourth.
You all are beautiful!!! Beth i miss you a lot but I am so happy for you! Luv ya
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