Sunday, August 8, 2010

Guest Post: Hanging Out with the Villa Triplets

Today we have a guest post from my lovely friend Starlene who came over to visit our family. Thanks for hanging out with us, Starlene!

I've been meaning to get over to visit the Villa triplets and finally I decided I'd better get serious about finding time to make the 70 mile drive since they won't stay little and cute forever.

I rang the front doorbell and Memo and Alonso greeted me at the door and had me come through to the kitchen area where Beth was tending to the three babies. Miss Lilah Rose was asleep, and Beth was standing, holding one of the boys in her arms, standing near the other baby boy holding his bottle, and had her cell phone propped on her shoulder.

I told Beth when I came over to visit I'd be more than happy to help wrangle babies, so before too long I was holding one of the boys, I think I started out holding Devin.

The kids are pretty good at tag teaming Mom. One would fall to sleep and another would wake up. Beth takes it all in stride and is calm and cool.

Finally two of the babies were sleeping and Beth headed into the kitchen to wash a few dishes and make lunch. I was rocking one of the boys (I think still Devin) while standing, he enjoyed being patted on the back while I rocked back and forth from one foot to the other. Little did I know the next day my calves and biceps would feel like I'd been working out at a gym. :-) One of the boys was in a seat thing on the counter and Memo was talking to the baby and the baby was cooing and trying really hard to talk to Daddy and tell him all about it.

After awhile Beth asked if I would like to go to the store with her and babies. She went to get ready and asked Memo to fill me in on what a trip to the store was like. Memo said we would get stopped again and again and again as people realized there were triplets.

When Beth came back she had some baby outfits, and three car seats. As she dressed each one, she handed him or her off to Memo and he strapped the baby into a car seat. While the babies were sitting on the couch together I snapped a few photos. Two of the babies started fussing and big brother Alonso stepped right in and did some rocking, held a bottle and got them happy again.

Then all three babies were carted out and strapped in the car's back seat. There was some fussing on the way to Costco, but not too much.

The shopping carts are big at Costco, thank goodness, but they still only hold two babies per cart.

Beth found some adorable Hallowe'en costumes and considered buying little duck outfits for the babies.

We walked around slowly, shopping for a few things, and true to Memo's prediction there were lots of admiring people asking questions about the babies. How many? Boys or girls? How old are they?

Beth simply beamed with pride over her three little munchkins. When we were close to checking it out it became apparent that Miss Lilah Rose needed a diaper change and she wasn't going to put up with sitting in that mess, so I stayed with Devin and Dixon while Beth and Lilah Rose took a potty break. Devin fussed while they were gone but he was interested in his bottle. Dixon was content looking around.

The only time things became difficult was when we were standing still in the checkout line. The babies didn't like sitting still and they all three started to cry. Beth was rocking the cart with Lilah and Dixon and I was rocking the cart with Devin. Beth was able to get Lilah to calm down and stop crying, and ended up taking one of the boys from his car seat.

We bought our stuff and headed to the car. The sun was shining so terribly bright; even though we pulled the car seat shields down the babies all had their eyes tightly closed. They need some little baby sunglasses. :-) We turned the carts around and pushed them backwards so that the sun wasn't right in their eyes.

Things were pretty quiet on the ride back home. I'd bought some perishable items from Costco so I couldn't stay too much longer, but I helped Beth get the babies and the groceries into the house. She grabbed two babies and I grabbed one, and then we went back out for groceries.

I really had a great time with these cutie babies. They are growing so quickly, so cute and healthy. I'm glad I was able to get over and visit. Adorable babies!

I'll have to make time to come over and visit again soon! Thanks Beth and Memo for having me over!


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