Tuesday, March 30, 2010


This morning I woke up and decided I would be better at posting on the blog.. ok, ok, I know I have said that before! So here goes.

Still in the hospital- we are at 33 weeks and 5 days and counting. It's looking pretty good that we will get to our goal of 35 weeks. They did schedule the C Section(which I am having issues with..I will explain more later) for the 8th of April at 12:00. So the Bass / Conrad family has a busy Birthday month and I am adding 3 more to the mix. Nothing like a big party right??

My blood pressure is ok.. not great but staying steady. They have let me take small walks, but I had to fight for it. Kind of frustrating to me to ask someone to get me water when I am perfectly capable. The kiddos are good. The one cool part of being here is that I get to have an ultrasound every day. They are getting so big that it's getting harder to see things on the ultrasound. They are very active... hitting each other and sitting on each other's heads!

The other day Jen came down with her friend and CLara and we did a belly cast. It was sooooo much fun. When we were done and took it off it was a little "OMG" I know I am huge but YIKES... there is nothing but a GIANT belly there! The weird part is that I am still losing weight. I truly haven't gained much weight.. just the babies. I was worried but the Dr said they are all growing well and they seem fine. Anyway, it was really fun and now I have what Memo calls a "giant pinata" in my room. Everyone that comes in here loves it. Ok, I feel a bit like a pregnant moose but i will share the picture anyway. Thanks again Jen for coming and doing that with me. It was really fun

Whoops, they just delivered the nasty food... I mean lovely breakfast (thank goodness for Memo bringing me real food from the outside world!)

The time is getting closer and I am getting more and more anxious. I am very ready to see them and hold them in my arms.


mary said...

MY BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL, i cannot believe the babies are almost here. you look great!!! the ohio clan are sending all their prayers and good thoughts to you and yours in arizona. can't wait to see all of you, really miss the grand kids that are already here clara, evelyn,liam, and oliver and the ones waiting in the wings. take good care and know all the love coming your way, pop and mary

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