This morning I woke up and decided I would be better at posting on the blog.. ok, ok, I know I have said that before! So here goes.
Still in the hospital- we are at 33 weeks and 5 days and counting. It's looking pretty good that we will get to our goal of 35 weeks. They did schedule the C Section(which I am having issues with..I will explain more later) for the 8th of April at 12:00. So the Bass / Conrad family has a busy Birthday month and I am adding 3 more to the mix. Nothing like a big party right??
My blood pressure is ok.. not great but staying steady. They have let me take small walks, but I had to fight for it. Kind of frustrating to me to ask someone to get me water when I am perfectly capable. The kiddos are good. The one cool part of being here is that I get to have an ultrasound every day. They are getting so big that it's getting harder to see things on the ultrasound. They are very active... hitting each other and sitting on each other's heads!
The other day Jen came down with her friend and CLara and we did a belly cast. It was sooooo much fun. When we were done and took it off it was a little "OMG" I know I am huge but YIKES... there is nothing but a GIANT belly there! The weird part is that I am still losing weight. I truly haven't gained much weight.. just the babies. I was worried but the Dr said they are all growing well and they seem fine. Anyway, it was really fun and now I have what Memo calls a "giant pinata" in my room. Everyone that comes in here loves it. Ok, I feel a bit like a pregnant moose but i will share the picture anyway. Thanks again Jen for coming and doing that with me. It was really fun
Whoops, they just delivered the nasty food... I mean lovely breakfast (thank goodness for Memo bringing me real food from the outside world!)
The time is getting closer and I am getting more and more anxious. I am very ready to see them and hold them in my arms.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Posted by Beth at 7:08 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I admit it.. I was pouting. I hated the idea that I had to end up being in here. Just bummed me out. Oh yeah, in here means in the hospital. So I guess I should regress a bit.......
last Wednesday Memo and I headed in to the Dr.'s office for our normal check up. Well it didn't go as expected. Basically they took my Blood Pressure (BP) was whacked. it was 189 / 120. NOT good numbers. My feet were really swollen but I had just figured that was from being at work all day and having them hanging down. That wasn't really the case. So they decided to scare the crap out of me and Memo and sit us down in the office. THey told us we needed to get to the hospital ASAP. That I was clsoe to "stroking out" and needed to get there. They mentioned that there was a big possibility on delivering that night. Sooooo there we go in a cloud over to the hospital. Me trying not to cry or panic (great for the BP) they got us admited right away and put us in this lovely(just kidding) room. So there we are sitting there wondering if our babies were goign to be born that night. Well as soon as I was off my feet, my swelling went down as well as my BP. So they kept me Wednesday and Thursday Night. Friday I fought the Dr and asked to get out at least for the weekend. They were very unhappy with me. BUT I tend to be a tad bullheaded... no really I am! :) Sooo they let me out on Friday. They made me an appointment on Monday and gave us a bunch of layouts in terms of "if this happens come back immediately" so off we went.
Soo off we went, I was happy to be home. They put me on full bedrest. I was only allowed to pee and go back to the bed. Now here's the thing. Didn't realize just how hard that is to do in your own house. Poor memo now had to worry about feeding me and making sure I was ok. It was nice to be home, Maggie (the dog) and Baloo were super happy too. They stayed snuggled up beside me the whole time.
Memo's Mom came over on Saturday and helped him to finish the baby room. I was up more times than I should have been but it was too hard not to be.. it was so exciting to see the room finished. Well... long story short, my BP went up and my swelling came back. We sat on it for Sunday. But when we went back to the office on Monday they promptly sent me back to the hospital. So here I sit. We are at 33 weeks so the bad part for the kids is over.... now it's a matter of waiting.. the longer we can keep them inside me the less time they will need to be in the NICU here.
On the good side, my BP has been great. They are keeping me bedrest... which is easier when not at your house. I promise to post more.. .because there are good things happening too... like being able to see the kids on ultrasound every day....
But Memo just got to the hospital and we are heading out for our evening walk.. ok not me walking but Memo doing the walking and me being pushed like a princess!
Posted by Beth at 7:06 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Ok... so here's the deal. We are now on hospital bedrest. So far we are doing ok. The good part is we are at 32.5 weeks so we are slightly out of the woods in terms of their health. it's just a size factor now. The longer we can keep them in the better off they will be. I promise to post more tomorrow... I have a bit of a headache today. Sorry!
BUT this weekend mt MIL came over and helped Memo to finish the baby room. It's incredible! for those of you that don't knwo we took our closet and busted out the wall. Memo had to put up the walls, ceiling and floor... basically the entire room. I am so lucky that he can do all that fun stuff. Here are some of the pics. We have the full room do ne with a recliner in the corner. He has a cahnging table to put together (thanks Aunt Karen and Uncle Bill)
Wow as I was talking they all seemed to wake up. They are jumping and kicking. This morning they were moving so much the ultrasound tech had a hard time getting their info.
Posted by Beth at 4:55 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
I have to say that it seems time is running away from me. It makes me a little nervous thinking about what it will be like after the kiddos come... I guess though it's a different time running away.
Currently I have started a "to get done before they come" list. The bad part oin this list is that it includes things from work and from home. I am very blessed to have a GREAT crew of people at my work. Jamie, who handles all the Center billing stuff is unbelievable. She VERY rarely makes a mistake. Mark, he is super..except for his singing... anyway.. that's just naming a few. The parts I am having to come up with is who is is going to handle the things I do while I am gone... they are all super busy and already swamped. It's no biggie, but you know how you do things and it's hard to explain them to others.. especially when so much of it is in your head. Ok, enough about work.
I must say thanks to God... we were in a bit of panic this weekend as we started going through our bills and figuring out monies. The thing is we are losing 9 winter baorders... that is a killer to us. That means we were losing income of $1800.00 a month. Kind of a tough punch! Then God stepped in... this weekend we are now getting in 4 new PERMENANT boarders, 2 more coming on March 28th and 2 more coming on the 1st of April. Amazing isn't it! YEAH!
SO now we are talking about the baby stuff. I am definately nesting.. I want to clean the house and keep the doggies out a bit more than normal. I just want everything spic and span clean and ready. The baby room looks great, now i jsut have to re-organize it all. I have lots of little clothes to fold and things to put in place. It seems like every night when I get home we eat dinner and just talk.. by the time we finish talking I am pooped. UGH. I am hoping ot spend all day tomorrow working on it all... oh yeah except that I want to give Zeeban a bath too.
Baby info- they are growing at the speed of light. The new fun thing for them to do is toture Mom at work. While I sit at my desk they like to jump and kick each other inside. The other day I have a big meeting with Boeing (for CA and AZ) 5 Boeing people and me. Here I was all dressed in professional clothes and as I am talking about the stability of our company.. BAM.. like a Batman and Robin movie.. they nail me. Of course without meaning to I squeaked.. yep you heard me right, I squeaked. They literally knocked the wind out of me! Other than that, it's pretty fun to feel them now. They seem to like to hang out a the top under my ribs which really sucks but proves to me that they are getting bigger. My tummy gets super hard and then you can see it get a funky shape. Pretty fun to move them around, unless I tick them off. THen they punch as they move... NOT fun.
Beautiful weekend.. sunny and 70. Alonso is with us this weekend. His dad is working his butt off at the ranch. All is good. We are at 31 weeks now, so every day is a great day!
Posted by Beth at 1:42 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Because I haven't. Ok, I just noticed the other day that I truly cannot see my feet at all. it is still the weirdest thing to look in a mirror and see my big belly. I love it! The other morning I made a smoothie for breakfast. It was a yummy berry one. I sucked it down on the way to work... well it must have given Dixon brain freeze because he went nuts in my tummy!! He was bouncing all over! Poor little guy must be closest to my stomach!
Anyway I had a pregnancy meltdown the other day at Burlington Coat factory.. yep in the store. Memo and I were looking at all the sheet sets. Believe it or not there are tons of different kinds. So there I am staring at the different types on the wall and suddenly I am scared as heck. I am standing there with tears in my eyes.. Memo looks over and is all worried. I just turned to him and said "how am I going to know what to do with babies if I don't know what to do with a flippin (ok I didn't say flippin) sheet. Tears were streaming and my poor husband seemed lost... he just wrapped his arms around me and said.. "honey I had Alonso 14 years ago and I don't know the sheets either. he turned out ok though right?" So there I am sobbing in his arms in the baby section of the store. I would suppose I wasn't the first though.
Ok- baby shots- here are a few fromthe last Ultrasound. I didn't get them posted with the other one. One is of Lilah's leg- looks like she has her Mom's legs- though hopefully minus all the scars!
the other is Devin- he is trying to eat his toes by grabbing them eith his little hand. It was really cool to watch!
Posted by Beth at 5:56 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Ok, I know I haven't blogged and I will just blame the kiddos for letting time slip away from me. Let me do a quickie and show you our first 3-d image of Devin. I think he has a combo nose of Memo and I. My little Bass ball onthe end of the nose and the width is Memo's. We had an ultrasound on Tuesday and they said all is well. They are in a bit of shock that I am still working full time. Seems odd to me not to be. I have a killer good team of people workign directly with me and they have definately stepped up so that I can leave if I feel yucky. Which I must say is starting to happen more and more... the feeling yucky part, not the leaving. Trying to stay put as long as possible. Memo thought it was funny because I told him this was the first week I truly felt "pregnant" he laughed and told me to look in the mirror. I will say one bonus to being prego is that my loving husband can't seem to keep his hands off me. He is always rubbing his kids.. and love being touched and talked to by him!
Anywya. I had a baby shower on Saturday and it was AMAZING. Lily, Liz, Memo's Mom and my Mom put it all together. Lili and Liz did all the decorations and the games... it was INCREDIBLE! We got lots and lots of great stuff. My Mother in Law made soem GREAT food. She makes the BEST beans in the world. I could have eaten nothing but beans! I promise to post pictures later.
Posted by Beth at 5:34 AM 1 comments