OK.. so I am a bad blogger right now. This week has really been a rough one. I have been fighting a cold that moved right into my chest since last week. I feel like I am being a big baby... I mean I don't mean to complain but everything hurts, I cough liek crazy and eery time I do they all kick me back. Kind of painful! Anyway.. it was all I could do to make it in to work then go home and sleep. So I apologize for not writing. here's what's up:
We went on Wednesday for a Dr appointment. It went very well. They did the growth measures again for the kids, but we had a kind of crappy Ultrasound tech. Most of the time they are super nice at making sure you get some good pictures.. not this one. She jsut did her measurements, checked the innards (heart, lungs and such) and that was all. I have some pictures but honestly they are kind of hard to define anything on. The funny part was Miss Lilah. She kept beating up her brother Dixen the whole time. You would see her punch in and smack him around. Deven was just happily hanging out doing nothing but sleeping. I do love watching them. All in all they said everything is good. I had to fight a little again for not taking the Diabetes test. This is the 4th Dr I had to explain it all again to. He was good though, he just said no problem, and gave me a chart to test my sugars with Memo's monitor three times a day until my next appointment. Works for me! The kiddos are all in the high percentile for singleton growth so that is a good good thing!
Speaking of Memo, he has been busting out the baby room. I will have to get the pictures this weekend. It is all made and ready to paint now. With the rain though we haven't been able to paint. The room is right next to our room so the fumes would kill us if we couldn't open it up. Hopefully this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed!
Ok, liek I said before I feel like I can't post without a picture.. so here are a few lovely pictures of my big tummy!!! The one is from above...I can't see my feet anymore! YIKES! Actually there are actually times when I can't even get my shoes on. Memo has to do it for me! Actaully I am content because while my tummy is getting bigger I really have only gained 10 pounds so far.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Posted by Beth at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
Ok, pretty much every day Memo takes off for lunch and runs to Taco Bell or Burger King.. I know I know.. me if I ate that once a week I would gain 50 pounds but he can handle it. Anyway... he always picks up a burger and fries for Baloo. It's actually gotten tot the point that when Memo leaves the ranch and drives back Baloo is sitting there at the top of the drive waiting for him! he'll even bark like crazy to get his lunch.
As you all know, we had killer storm last night. So today Memo had a lot of ranch work to get things back on track and didn't have a chance to get out for lunch. He was forced ...sigh.... to go in and make a sandwhich. At which time I received this picture. He made one for Baloo too. Just thought it was cute!
On a side note, I was talking to Danny (my big bro) today and was complaining that I can't get rid of this cough. Thanks to his wife and all her training, he has become a bit of a baby expert. I was worried because every time I cough I get a really sharp pain in the top right side of me. So he said maybe it was just one of the kiddos mad at me for coughing. I realized he might be right, then had him feel my side where I had the pain.. he pushed in and Dixon (I think that is who has moved into that position) gave him a solid kick. I guess that explains what it was! :)
Kind of cool that he got to feel him kick!
Posted by Beth at 2:50 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Well the rain has set in so that puts Memo inside. This makes it a good thing for the babies' room! He is almost done after only 2 days!! He had to knock a hole in the wall and install a window which was a first for him. It's so exciting to watch it all unfold. I can't wait to get to the decorating part. I have so many thoughts running in my head. Memo and I were standing in the room last night just looking and dreaming. It was really funny because after we were standing there I went in to take a bath. After I came out, I find my loving husband in the room... finishing "just one more thing" I love seeing him so excited. Especially because both he and I have been fighting a cold for over a week.
Posted by Beth at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
Ok, so I have been a bad blogger! Forgive me?
Well, last week we got to see the kids. They didn't really give us any great shots to post. So I will just have to describe them. The Dr.'s are very happy with me. They seem to be a tad bit amazed that I am still working full time and doing fine. I will say however that this last weekend was a definate recovery weekend for me!(more on that later) Anyway, all three kiddos are strong heartbeats and look great. Lilah looks to be the biggest on the ultrasounds. It's amazing the amount of growth in just a few weeks! Had to fight the Dr a little bit to get out of the glucose test. I had to agree to test my blood 2 times a day at least. I figure that isn't a problem, I will just test it with Memo. So far the highest I have been is 120 and that was after a spaghetti dinner!
Ok, on to recovery weekend... this weekend was actually a very nice relaxing but busy weekend. Memo and I spent Saturday AM getting things for the kiddos room. We had planned on working all day Sunday on it. We went up at 2:00 and watched the game at Mom and Nana's. Fun to watch the game.. bad game though. Cardinals got their butt kicked! By the end of the game, I was fast asleep on Memo's lap!
We went and saw Avatar in the evening.. GREAT movie BUT 3 hours is a little too long for a pregnant lady to sit! had to bathroom break a few times! My SIL, Jen had sent me a funny link to a website that was telling you when to run to the bathroom... I was beginning to think that was a better idea! http://runpee.com/
Ok, on to Sunday, the kiddos are not letting me sleep a lot. They tend to like to start dancing around 2:30 in the morning. It has been ok, sometimes I just lay there wondering what it is all goign to be like when they finally come out to join us in the real world! I love feeling them... it is WAY cool! Sometimes I jsut sit there feeling and watching them and just can't believe it is happening to me! I feel sooooo lucky! This weekend I couldn't have had a better husband if I had made him. I was very tired and my feet were all puffy... WE were supposed to be working on the room and the floor in the main part of the house. Memo took one look at me and told me ot go lay down and put my feet up for a bit. thought ok, 5 minutes.. well that 5 minutes turned into a 1.5 hour nap! In the meantime while I was sleeping, my lovely husband cleaned the entire front floor.. I mean SCRUBBED it. It looks marvelous! Then he moved on to the kiddos room! It was so nice to wake up to a happy husband just pounding away at work! The kiddos room is coming along well. We got the fan and decided ont he lighting, we have to go buy them though. We have a good idea onthe colors.. but well seeing as I am a girl.. it might change 4 times before we buy it.
Memo got the SHOCK literally of a lifetime.. scared the beejeezus out of me.. the wiring in our house is backwards and athe part that should be the gorund is the live wire! So needless to say, he hit it and it arced big time. All I saw was a big light show and a horrible sound. I was truly scared to go in there... then I heard Memo laughing.. phew.. what a relief! Anyway, everything is all wired and he has half the drywall put up. I am just sitting tight because I can't wait to decorate.
I just want to take a second and say that I feel like God has really been in my life lately. I feel truly blessed by the way things are turning out. I am so thankful for the kiddos and then again for them doign so well inside! Hugs to all we love!
Posted by Beth at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Ok I was just reading a note about the sizes of our babies.. in one article they were referred to as Spaghetti Squashes... now, while I like spaghetti squash it seemed quite an odd thing to compare them to. Although I will say it now freaks me out a tad to think of three squashes in my tummy....
This moring it really hit me that I am prego.. I know you all are thinking.. DUH! BUT I COULDN'T GET OUT OF BED!!! I literally had to roll out. Memo was laughing at me (at which point I hit him) then reminded him that soon he would probably have to push me out of bed. ANyway, I promise to do a picture tomorrow.
I am feeling really well, a little more tired than I have been but good. I am however missing riding my horses. I have been just kind of staying away from them because that is almost easier than being aroudn them part time. Ok, enough whining...
Posted by Beth at 2:53 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! This is going to be one heck of a year for us! We started it off with a bang! Memo took me to the Grand Canyon to go play in the snow and enjoy the peace and quiet. We had a blast. We stayed at a Holiday Inn. The beds were nice BUT after that first night you realize just how spoiled we are with our good mattress. Halfway through our first night (which was actually abot 3 in the AM because we stayed up for the big "ring in the New Year!") I woke up because Lilah decided to start beating me up because she had nothing holding her up. Memo has turned into quiet the professional belly rubber though. It seems like as soon as his hands touch them they all get excited, but then calm down! It's pretty cool to feel.
We had a terrific trip. LOTS of snow!!! The roads were SUPER icy on the way up there and both Memo and I lost about 10 years of our lives gripping the steering wheel and the door! It was a GREAT way to spend our time. Just the two (five) of us. One thing is for sure... I get a little more worn out than I like to admit. Having this weekend to relax was perfect. All Memo had to do was wrap his arms around me and boom I was out like a light. It really was a great trip to remember. On our way home, we went through Williams. What a cute little town. We sat on their little main street talking about how much fun it will be to bring the kids up there to ride the train to the Grand Canyon.... so many plans! HUGS TO ALL!
Posted by Beth at 5:51 AM 0 comments